Sign up
Register today. Our database of fraud, abusive or otherwise unpleasant clients is formed by companies like you.
Step 1
Register on our
Website and Forums

You will need an account. Register on our forums to have access to report manager and support.

Use a company email for faster verification, if possible.
All registrations are bound by our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Please read them before registering.

Register Now

Step 2
Create a Reporter Profile
on "Report Manager"

Once registered on our website, you will be able to create a reporter profile, so that you can start reporting and querying clients.

A reporter profile is a representation of your company. You will provide the company name and website, which will be visible in all your reports.

Please register first.

Step 3
Integrate your Billing System
(if it's supported)

If you are using one of our supported billing systems, you can add FraudRecord query and reporting functionality to your billing panel.

If your billing software is not supported, please contact the software vendor and ask the developers to add FraudRecord support.

See Supported Systems


When you start using FraudRecord to submit reports or make queries, you will be sharing non-identifiable client information. You will need to reflect this in your Terms of Service. You may use the following example:

[Your Company Name] utilizes FraudRecord to screen new orders for previous fraudulent activity and report existing clients who violate our Terms of Service. In case of a violation, you may be reported to FraudRecord for misbehaviour using one-way hashed information.