This is an overview of our database and member companies. Our database grows everyday by the contributions of our members like you.

Number of Member Companies: 3777

3777 companies have registered to FraudRecord and created reporter profiles.

Number of Reported Clients: 88191

88191 reports have been submitted, and the amount is growing every day.

Last 90 Days

1571 reports have been submitted to FraudRecord by 141 companies during the last 90 days.

Last 30 Days

479 reports have been submitted to FraudRecord by 79 companies during the last 30 days.

Total Queries

14,008,713 queries have been made by our members. Of those, 73,679 queries were run through the Report Manager panel, while 13,935,034 queries were made using the billing system modules.

Total Pieces of Data

Every encrypted name, email address, ip address and other information that is submitted through reports is a data piece, and your queries will be run through the whole list. Any matching report will be presented to you.